Published 20 December 2012
Ebook • ISBN 9781922198020 • RRP $4.99
Renoved from sale. Now only available in Ghost Armies (print and ebook).
Fukuoka relates the experiences of two Australian brothers, Alf and Wally, in a prisoner-of-war camp in Japan during the Second World War, expressed in poetry in the voice of the surviving brother Alf.
Based on the lives of his own great-uncles, Andrew Sneddon’s poetry captures the intimacy that exists between brothers, while reflecting on the psychology of the human condition in ways that transcend the particular. Sneddon’s verse contemplates life and death, brutality and kindness, beauty and horror, courage and cowardice. It reflects on suffering and the consequences of suffering.
Each poem — some bleak, some uplifting, some confronting and others soothing — will move readers in different ways. Fukuoka is poetry for those who question what it is to be human.
[Lacuna] is an imprint of Golden Orb Creative, ABN 57737397443, a full member of the Small Press Network, an associate member of the Australian Publishers' Association, and a group member of the New England Writers' Centre. Contact us.
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